Tag: Travis Picking

  • Fingerpicking or Fingerstyle?

    If I’m playing something up-tempo and aggressive then I’m definately a down-home, primitive fingerpicker. If, on the other hand, I’m doing something moody or contemplative then I’m a sophisticated, city-slicking fingerstylist. Another thing ’bout pickin’ nomenclature: whence the “Travis Picking” terminology? I learned alternate bass picking mostly from Mississippi John Hurt, whose style, I think…

  • My first fingerpicking lesson

    Sometimes I look back wistfully and muse upon odd events that have defined the directions I would take in life. Apropos my music, one of the events that had a profound impact was a casual ten minutes with a friend back in 1971 when he showed me my first fingerpicking pattern. Here it is: It’s…


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