Tag: independent musicians

  • The nakedness of ambition

    Well it’s good to have aspirations and goals and seek to improve your lot. But I have to say I’m more than a little ambivalent about the world view held by the ambitious type.

  • Podcasts – and YouTube?

    These are areas of self-promotion that send a shiver up my spine – and not in a pleasant way. But I guess I should get (back) down to it. Independent musicians mostly need any tool they can lay their hands on. I have one experience of podcasting, though. I had signed up to an OMD…

  • Independent Musicianship and Dilettantism

    From www.dictionary.com: dil·et·tante -noun 1. a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement, esp. in a desultory or superficial way; dabbler. The part-time Independent Musician’s true character? Further investigation reveals: des·ul·to·ry -adjective 1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful. I would have to face the fact that,…

  • Independent musicianship v. weekend warmongering

    I took to the epithet “Independent Musician” with gusto. I like the rank of “Weekend Warrior” less. Still, if the cap fits… Each term can have a slight air of the derogatory about it, depending on context, and both are used with a perceptible virtual sneer by some professionals – particularly in online engineering and…


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