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This is where I’m residing weekdays as I oscillate between Edinburgh and Aberdeen for my day-job. It’s a fine bolt-hole near Banchory in Aberdeenshire and it will be the site of a few bits of new-guitar-tunes-composing but I am mostly these days scaring the sheep and bulls in the fields close by with my hollering…
…to this fine place. Check it out at: . It’s been a while because of a house move and then another house move and day-job commitments and… Well, I decided not to hunt gigs down or play out generally because of all that. I’ll write again shortly about my particular circumstances right now but…
Some of the links on Tabs and Notation page were broken. Fixed now. Apologies for the frustrations this caused.
If things around here look a bit funky around here from time to time it’s because I’m having fun updating this old website. I’ll be back soon with lots of news and new songs and news about the songs and a song about the news. And the odd tirade (I seem to get grumpier and…
The studio has been decommissioned (except for some editing and podcast recording) and the acoustic treatment is just about to get torn down. We’re moving to Edinburgh from this rather remote part of the world – at least culturally. Pretty as Deeside is, there are damn’ few places to play guitar. Anyway, we’ll be out…
Within limits I do my own tweaking. I can mess around with saddles and truss rods quite happily confident that “I know what I’m doing”. The only setup issues that I would want to take to a professional would be anything to do with the nut. I’ve never felt the desire to get into the…
A recipe for a contented (albeit a shorter) life. The world would be a little grayer without these little pleasures. This view is not very fashionable but there’s little about me that is fashionable. And this urge to live as long as possible: if an eternity of oblivion awaits then a lifespan of forty years…
…that I can think of: namely; (1) muscle memory which enables the fluent playing of the guitar, (2) that which enables aural recognition of intervals when hearing them and, (3) that which enables recall of which chords are diatonic to which keys, their voicings, and their placement on the fingerboard. All three need attention on…
I once wrote a piece about factory built guitars and those built by independent guitar makers. Well, “luthier” is a term that irritates me no end. When I was younger, there existed guitar technicians and guitar builders. Seems now that the latter are become luthiers. I thought luthiers made lutes. My bad. Nevertheless, in 1987…
Alright, I’ll try this again. My last (and to date only) attempt, although successful, didn’t stir the blood. At least mine. I wasn’t sure what podcasting was supposed to do and it takes time to do it properly. Time well spent? I wasn’t convinced. I remember when I was preparing the last one in the…